rhinoceros 3d pattern from drawing

Print VersionDrafting, Technical Illustration, and Printing - New in Rhinoceros five


Every type of physical product design relies on technical analogy and 2‑D drawing to concisely communicate ideas, specifications, and instructions to people in design, development, and fabrication. Our goal for Rhino 5 is to make information technology easier to create 2‑D drawings and illustrations for every discipline in every notation system and visual mode used around the world. Major areas of enhancement include:

  • More command over annotation styles
  • History back up for dimensions
  • Text data fields in text and leaders
  • Area and curve length dimensions
  • Revision clouds
  • Isometric views
  • Draw order
  • More folio layout controls
  • Print calibration
  • High-resolution viewport capture

Details beneath...


Major additions and enhancements to the annotation tools mean you may no longer need to consign to a 2‑D CAD product to finish your drawings.

New commands

  • ConvertDots - Convert objects created with the Dot command to either point or text objects.
  • DimArea - Creates text or a leader that displays the surface area of a airtight bend, hatch, surface, or mesh.
  • DimCurveLength - Creates text or a leader that displays the length of a bend.
  • DupDimStyle - Creates a new dimension styles by copying an existing style.
  • FindText - Searches the model for the specified text string.
  • HatchBase - Sets the starting point of the pattern for existing hatches.
  • HatchScale - In a layout detail, hatch patterns are scaled according to a particular's zoom factor. In model space, hatch patterns are scaled by HatchScale value.
  • ImportDimStyles - Import dimension styles from other .3dm files into the current document.
  • RevCloud - Draws revision cloud curves.
  • ScaleDimstyle - Scale the text size in the selected dimension manner.
  • SetCurrentDimStyle - Sets the current dimension mode.
  • Text Field - Text data fields are a new characteristic for text and leaders. Fields are "formulas" that are evaluated while Rhino is running and the issue is displayed in the text. The field options include:
    • numpages - number of layout pages in the document
    • pagenumber - current layout folio number
    • pagename - current layout page name
    • notes - contents of the notes
    • date - current date syntax
    • datemodified - appointment this file was last saved
    • surface area - expanse of a airtight curve, hatch, surface, or mesh
    • curvelength - length of a bend
    • usertext - usertext for a given object/central combination
    • documenttext - certificate text from the document
    • filename - path to the file
    • modelunits - active model units
  • TextScale - In a layout detail, text is scaled co-ordinate to a detail's zoom factor. In model infinite, text is scaled by TextScale value.


  • Dimensions
    • Dimension styles have been added to the template files.
    • Scripting options for dimension fashion proper noun and pointer style have been added.
    • Layout details can now be dimensioned on the layout paper and will be scaled appropriately.
    • History back up has been added to: Dim, DimAligned, DimAngle, DimArea, DimCurveLength, DimDiameter, DimOrdinate, DimRadius, DimRotated.
  • Dimensions Properties Panel
    • Lucifer button matches the dimension properties of the selected dimension.
    • Save every bit New Style push button creates a new dimension style using the current mode and overrides.
    • Property Overrides let suppression of the settings in dimension styles.
    • Scale push has been replaced with Calibration under the Belongings Overrides.
    • Edit Style button opens the style page of the selected dimension object under Document Properties > Annotation > Dimension.
  • Dim Command
    • Mode is an option on all of the dimension commands.
    • Arrowheads aspect ratios of 4:1 and 6:1 are available
    • A new Continue selection lets you place chained dimensions. Includes Undo pick.
    • The new Object option allows selecting a curve or edge to dimension.
    • Leader: Text masks can exist added as a leader holding override.
  • DimAngle - A new ability to select arcs or polyline arc segments has been added. Rhino automatically draws extension lines from the arc ends towards a center tic and place the angle dimension between the extension lines. The angle format now includes degrees-minutes-seconds.
  • DimRadius
    • A new PointOnCurve choice aids placement of the dimension. Leaders can pass through the radius eye. The arrow location tin exist fixed at the picked location on the curve being dimensioned.
  • DimRotated - Remembers the last bending used as the default for the side by side dimension
  • EditText - Dragging the quick text edit dialog width (double-click edit) now word-wraps text.
  • Hatch
    • New Set Base option sets the starting point for the hatch pattern. Gear up Base of operations button has been added to the Hatch Properties page.
    • The actress confirmation for pre-picked curves has been removed.
    • A selection of standard hatch patterns always loads with Rhino.
    • In Backdrop, the rotation and scale update when you lot press Enter for the field.
    • Selecting open up curves for boundaries has been improved.
    • The hatch updates as a different design is selected in the Properties dialog box.
    • Hatches can now utilise combinations of curves in details and curves in the layout.
    • Hatch patterns are previewed as they are applied with the Hatch command.
    • Y'all tin pre-select curves for a purlieus hatch.
    • Patterns can be loaded from another .3dm files.
  • Leader
    • A Match button has been added to the Leader Properties dialog box.
    • Special drafting symbols: ˚, ±, and Ø are supported.
    • A Text Field pick has been added.
    • Property overrides and an Edit Styles option have been added to match dimensions.
    • Text is aligned to the side where the leader line leaves the text.
  • LineTypeDisplay - new options:
    • PatternBySegment - Specifies whether the line pattern restarts at a kink.
    • PatternSegmentBreakAngle - Specifies the angle at which the blueprint restarts for the adjacent segment.
  • Text
    • Nine Align options take been added.
    • The text height is now retained between Rhino sessions.
    • A Text Field option has been added.
    • A new Mask option hides the geometry underneath in the display and for press. The mask color and margin can exist configured.
    • Endpoint object snap volition snap to the corners of the text.

Folio Layout and Printing (Windows only)

New commands

  • Draw Club control provides control over which 2‑D curve, text, dimension, or hatch is fatigued in front of another. This new feature likewise controls the order the Particular Views are drawn in a Layout. The new commands are:
    • BringForward
    • BringToFront
    • ClearDrawOrder
    • SendBackWard
    • SendToBack
  • DisableClippingPlane -Turns off selected clipping planes in the active viewport.
  • ImportLayout - Imports layout pages from another Rhino file.
  • Multipage Layout Impress - Whatsoever or all of the layouts can be printed at once.
  • ShowLayersInDetail - Shows layers in item views.
  • HideLayersInDetail - Hides the selected layers in detail views.
  • ShowSelectedInDetail - Works just like the ShowSelected command except it but works on objects that were previously hidden with the HideInDetail control.


  • HideInDetail - New options have been added to include/exclude the active and inactive details.
  • Text and Dimension style scaling - Text and dimension can be now scaled differently in layout viewports and model viewports. This makes it easier to have text and dimension appear at the same height in different viewports when they are at different scales in a layout.
  • Hybrid printing - Both raster and vector printing is used when possible to brand college quality prints.
  • Make2D - Speed and accurateness improved. Clipping plane supported has been added.


Source: https://www.rhino3d.com/5/new/drafting

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